Todd Miller
  • Class of 2018
  • Dacula, GA

Todd Miller earns recognition as Distinguished Military Graduate

2017 Dec 1

Some 47 Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) cadets at the University of North Georgia (UNG) have been ranked in the top 20 percent in the nation out of 5,536 cadets in this year's U.S. Army Cadet Command national Order of Merit List, including Todd Miller of Dacula, GA. Miller is ranked in the Top 20% in the nation. Ranking in the top 20 percent and higher also carries with it designation as a Distinguished Military Graduate.

Cadets are ranked on the national Order of Merit List (OML) by achieving superior grade point averages, strong performance in the Army physical fitness test, proving their worth as exceptional leaders in their college ROTC training, and their performance at Advanced Camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

"Our cadets are achieving tremendous results and I'm very grateful for the support of this great institution and our alumni as we train the future leadership of our Army," said Col. Brent Cummings, professor of military science at UNG.

Each fall, in conjunction with their branch selections, all Army ROTC senior cadets from around the country are ranked in a national OML. A cadet's positioning on the OML can determine his or her priority in being chosen for the branch or occupational specialty of choice; cadets who are ranked highly on the list typically are given their first choice.

Additionally, two UNG cadets were ranked in the top five: Cadet 1st Lt. Andrew Gomez of Cumming, Georgia, is ranked second in the nation and Cadet Lt. Col. Bryton Wenzel of Albany, Georgia, is ranked fifth.