Christopher Singletary
  • Class of 2015
  • Augusta, Georgia

Christopher Singletary graduates from University of North Georgia

2015 Jul 2

Christopher Scott Singletary of Augusta, Georgia, has graduated from the University of North Georgia (UNG) with a Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages with a concentration in Arabic.

The university's spring commencement ceremonies were held May 1-3 on UNG's Dahlonega and Gainesville campuses. This spring semester, UNG conferred some 1,300 degrees. Additionally, 36 graduating members of the Corps of Cadets took oaths as second lieutenants in the National Guard or U.S. Army.

"We are here to honor you with the richest tradition of the academic community -- a commencement ceremony," UNG President Bonita Jacobs said to graduates. "We know what it took for you to reach this point, and we know each of you has a bright future. We know that, as graduates of UNG, you will add meaning and value to the lives of those around you."

Guest speakers during the commencement ceremonies congratulated graduates and sought to inspire them; they included Sandy Eskew Capps, Speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives David Ralston, Dr. Satu Limaye, Sonny Roshan, Kim Waters and Abit Massey.